If you have recently acquired a domestic property and hope to rent it out, you could be tempted to personally handle all the work of marketing the residence, screening prospective tenants and helping to ensure that the building remains in good shape throughout each tenancy.
However, while taking this kind of hands-on approach might initially seem like a good idea, these landlord duties could soon prove to be a significant drain on your time. Alternatively, you could benefit from our expertise in property management, in Auckland.
If your property is located in Auckland or Wellington, you can be confident that we possess deep expertise in the local market, enabling us to set the rental price just right.
By setting our rental charges strategically, we aim not only to generate interest in the property but also to maximise your earnings once a tenant is settled in.
We have our own database of tenants and can check whether any of these would be a promising match for your particular property. If not, we can also tap into bespoke marketing to reach out to people who may not have previously heard of this renting opportunity but are now likely interested in it.
You can rely on us to thoroughly vet all prospective tenants of the property, ensuring that we filter out any undesirable candidates before they have the opportunity to cause damage to the building’s condition. Oh, and while we are on the subject of that…
No matter how carefully the tenant does look after the home, it could still incur damage from time to time. If this does happen, though, the tenant will be able to contact us — the property management company — to arrange the necessary repair work, saving you from having to lift a finger.
With our experience in property management in Auckland and Wellington, we know reliable tradespeople in the area, enabling fixes to be completed quickly. To seek further information about our services, please ring (09) 215 4102 or email admin@hjproperty.co.nz.