As a landlord of a rental home, ideally you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your tenant. Failing to do so can lead to negative consequences, where both parties could suffer a loss of trust and satisfaction — disrupting your cash flow as a result.
In Auckland and Wellington, our property management services can handle the majority of tasks involved in maintaining positive tenant relations, effectively streamlining your responsibilities
A landlord-tenant relationship is a lot like a marriage, in that you can avoid many potential issues just by choosing the right person from the start! We know that choosing the ‘right’ tenant can be much easier said than done, but it’s a process we’ve mastered for many landlords.
We’re happy to offer this service to you too. By doing so, we can help you steer clear of the hassle that comes with having a difficult tenant, possibly leading to eviction or legal complications down the road.
Once we have found the ‘right’ tenant, we can make sure they know what you expect of them. For example, we can present the tenant with a lease agreement, listing rules, regulations and duties they will be required to follow right throughout the tenancy.
Before signing the agreement, the would-be tenant can familiarise themselves with such matters as when the rent would be due and what protocols to follow should maintenance issues arise.
If you are handling all landlord responsibilities, the tenant would need to contact you to arrange any repairs the property requires. However, if you have other commitments alongside property management, you may find it challenging to address maintenance requests promptly and effectively.
A property manager acting as an intermediary between you and the tenant could process those requests — and organise the necessary repairs — on your behalf.
With our Auckland and Wellington property management services, we can quickly patch up issues with the home, giving the tenant a powerful incentive to stay for the long term. To ask us any questions about our crucial role in safeguarding landlord-tenant relations, please phone (09) 215 4102.