Articles by: Home James Property Management

Navigating the World of Property Management Services: What You Need to Know

In New Zealand, property management is more relevant than ever – rentals are increasingly competitive, and a very desirable investment for property owners across the country. But, the more properties you acquire, the harder they are to maintain on your own!  We at Home James Property Management are proud experts in property management across Auckland and Wellington, and are well-positioned to help you navigate the complex world of property management services if you find yourself […]

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5 Questions to Ask Before Renting a Property

So, you’re ready to rent, and you’ve found the property you would simply love to live in! However, don’t jump into a tenancy agreement right away – this is a legally binding document that’s difficult to back out of, particularly for our New Zealand residents. To make sure this property is absolutely right for you, we recommend you ask the following questions:  1. What is included in the rent?  Some rental agreements are bills-included, and […]

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Unlocking Your Property’s Full Potential: How a Property Management Company Can Maximise ROI

Are you researching a range of property management companies in Auckland and Wellington? Which of these businesses you partner with as a buy-to-let investor can make a surprisingly big difference to your profit margins. Here are several reasons why we would be able to help you maximise your return on investment (ROI)… We Know the Local Market We know what kind of rent other landlords tend to charge on properties like your own. So, we […]

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Tenant Relations: How Property Management Companies Improve Landlord-Tenant Interactions

You must foster the best possible relationship with anyone who agrees to become a tenant of your rental home. Otherwise, the tenant could grow disillusioned and decide to end their tenancy sooner than originally planned. If this does happen, you will lose out financially. However, residential property management companies can take the following measures to help landlords stay on good terms with their tenants. Provide All-Round Great Customer Service As a buy-to-let investor, you might […]

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Stress-Free Landlording: Why Hiring a Property Management Company Makes Sense

If you have recently acquired a domestic property and hope to rent it out, you could be tempted to personally handle all the work of marketing the residence, screening prospective tenants and helping to ensure that the building remains in good shape throughout each tenancy.  However, while taking this kind of hands-on approach might initially seem like a good idea, these landlord duties could soon prove to be a significant drain on your time. Alternatively, […]

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From Screening to Signings: How Property Managers Simplify Tenant Relations

As a landlord of a rental home, ideally you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your tenant. Failing to do so can lead to negative consequences, where both parties could suffer a loss of trust and satisfaction — disrupting your cash flow as a result.  In Auckland and Wellington, our property management services can handle the majority of tasks involved in maintaining positive tenant relations, effectively streamlining your responsibilities Screen Prospective Tenants Thoroughly A […]

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Unlock Your Time: The Freedom of Delegating to a Property Management Company

There’s no question that being a landlord or property owner is time consuming. The list of responsibilities to carry out is almost endless. From drafting up tenancy agreements to paying bills, carrying out inspections and resolving issues – when do the chores end? Finding downtime is a challenge. Really, you must unlock your time by hiring a property management company to do the legwork for you. In Auckland and Wellington, we at Home James Property […]

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From Stress to Success: Transforming Properties with Management Services

The many responsibilities of managing a property, or multiple properties for owners with a greater portfolio, can become overwhelming to handle alone. Even so, providing good property management is non-negotiable – you are legally obliged to create a safe living environment for your tenants, compliant to governmental regulations. If you’re feeling outmatched by the demands of your properties, transform them with expert management services. Here are some of the ways that property management services can […]

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Maintenance and Repairs: Best Practices for Rental Property Owners

If you own a rental property, then you have a responsibility to ensure that your property is adequately maintained, with functional facilities and systems. Not only is this crucial for your tenants, but untimely repairs can also be expensive. Don’t worry, Homes James Property Management has got you covered – with our Auckland and Wellington rental property management, we can make sure that your property is kept maintained and functional. So, what are the best […]

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Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of Successful Property Managers

Are you thinking about hiring a property manager for your residential rental property? Perhaps you are unsure of whether property managers are the right solution for your needs, or maybe you are simply wondering how they can help. If so, Home James Property Management and our property management services can assist. In fact, if you are interested in learning more about the role and responsibilities of property managers, you have come to the right place. […]

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